Bending the Cost Curve in Health Care
September 27, 2012 - September 28, 2012Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
15th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization (CAO’2012)
September 13, 2012 - September 16, 2012Rimini, Italy
Money and Banking Workshop
May 24, 2012 - May 25, 2012After (?) The Storm: Lessons from the Great Recession Plenary Speakers:John Murray (Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada)Volker Wieland (Chair for Monetary Theory and Policy at Goethe University, Frankfurt) Invited Speakers:Karim Abadir (Imperial College)Gianni
Find out more »Finance Seminar: Capital Supply Uncertainty, Cash Holdings, and Investment
May 9, 2012Speaker: Erwan Morellec (University of Lausanne)
Find out more »Equity Market Misvaluation and Firm Financial Policies
March 16, 2012Speaker: Toni M. Whited, Michael and Diane Jones Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Finance, University of Rochester
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