Latest Past Events

Gender Inequality Conference


Stefania AlbanesiUniversity of Pittsburgh (NBER and CEPR) Professor Albanesi’s research interests are in macroeconomics, public economics, and labor economics. Her current research concentrates on understanding the determinants of household borrowing and default behaviour, and on quantifying the impact of changing trends in female participation on aggregate business cycles.

Public Health Conference


Alan WhitesideWilfrid Laurier University, Balsillie School of International Affairs Alan Whiteside is Chair of Global Health Policy and Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University’s School of International Policy and Governance and at the BSIA and Professor Emeritus at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. OBE. Established (1998) the Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division at the University of […]

Working From Home Conference


Nicholas BloomStanford University and NBER Nicholas Bloom is William D. Eberle Professor of Economics. Ranked second in the world in economics in the last 10 years by RePEc. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Econometric Society and the recipient of the Sloan Fellowship, the Bernacer Prize (awarded annually to […]